Moldavite Experience Level 2: Higher Dimensions with Melissa
Sun, Jul 11
|Enchanted Forest Reiki Center

Time & Location
Jul 11, 2021, 5:00 PM
Enchanted Forest Reiki Center, 2280 S Jones Blvd, Las Vegas, Nevada 89146, USA
About The Event
Moldavite Experience Level 2: Higher Dimensions:
Moldavite is known as a gem-quality stone of extraterrestrial origin and resonates with higher dimension galactic energies.
Working with Moldavite is in and of itself a wild experience, and once you’ve had it for a while and get your grounding that’s when you can take your extra-terrestrial piece and use it on another level! This course is for those who have worked with moldavite before and have a basic understanding of its’s origin, uses and benefits and want to expand their consciousness within and connect to outer parts of our universe.
Moldavite vibrates on a very intense frequency and vibration, and because of this, the stone is used as aids for dream-walkers, and those who have past experiences (and even abductions!) with extraterrestrial and/or inter-dimensional beings. This power stone acts as catalyst. Many abductees wish to reconnect with their “visitors” and many meditate with the stone to drawing in it’s source energy to heal the chakras. This Level 2 course will teach you all the ways your can use moldavite in healing, mediation and more importantly connection and traveling.
This course also will also include candle-lit a galactic meditation, with seeing with where the stone takes you, colors, sounds, tastes… journaling the experience and having in-depth discussion!
Moldavite Exp Level 2
$25.00Sale ended