Time & Location
Jan 29, 2023, 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Las Vegas, 2280 S Jones Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89146, USA
About The Event
$10.00 to $35.00 depending on the psychic and type of reading
Pre-payment is required at time of booking to guarantee a spot.
Please be sure to call us after making your payment on line to book in your time slot at 702-948-4999.
Come in today for mini psychic readings, the perfect way to meet one or several of our psychics and get to know their style and specialties.
Each psychic has their own fun offerings, and rates, see below for the list of psychics participating.
Book a session with one or several and just make a day of it.
Each psychic has a limit of one reading from the same person for this event.
This is a one day event we only offer a couple of times a year, you definitely want to be here!
10 Min Tarot ......... $15
10 Min Ogham/Rune .......$10
15 minute Classic Divination (Psychic, Tarot & Pendulum) $22.22
20 minute Advanced Divination (Core Numerology Chart OR Psychic Angelic Tarot) $33.33
30 min intuitive readings for $50
Past Life Chart Reading $35.00
Have you ever wondered about a Past Life that may be affecting you now?In this past life reading April will tune into your energy field. She will ask specific questions in receiving answers from spirit about a previous lifetime that is still affecting you. Where you lived, your characteristics, your personal involvement in life. Plus tendencies from that lifetime that is a current theme in this life.You will have a chart to take home with you.
Angel Oracle Card Reading with April $25 for 15 minutes
Receive Angelic Insight on your life
Soul Readings 15 min $25
answering a question, psychic reading 15 minutes $25
10 min. Reading for $20
Psy Fair Selise 10 Tarot
$15.00Sale endedPsy Fair Selis 10 min Ogham/Ru
$10.00Sale endedPsy Fair Joel 15 min Classic
$22.22Sale endedPsy Fair Joel 20 min Advanced
$33.33Sale endedPsy Fair Jen 30 min
$50.00Sale endedPsy Fair April Chart Reading
$35.00Sale endedPsy Fair April Oracle 15 min
$25.00Sale endedPsy Fair John 10 min Tarot
$20.00Sale ended