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Fri, Jun 24


Las Vegas

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Time & Location

Jun 24, 2022, 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Las Vegas, 2280 S Jones Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89146, USA

About The Event

Available 11:00a.m-6:00pm

Walk in's accepted but pre booking recommended

Follow this link to see all of the options and pricing:

Joel  comes from a long line of energy practitioners on both sides of his  family tree. His mother is Deborah Veach, the owner of Enchanted Forest,  who herself came from a family of spiritual energy healers. His  father’s side also has a history of energy work and spirituality dating  back a minimum of 3 generations. Interactions with spirits, angels, and  other spiritual beings, entities, and creatures were an incredibly  regular part of his childhood. His parents encouraged these interactions  and taught him how to communicate and interact with these beings. Joel has dedicated  himself to studying reiki, divination, kabbalah, shamanism,  and many other forms of energy work while working on his own psychic  gifts. His goal is to revive forgotten modalities and practices, as well  as create new ones by combining them so that he can not only heal and  help people as best as he possibly can, but to eventually help and heal  the world by sharing his knowledge and techniques with his students.

Joel's floor time is a convenient way to know what days/times Joel is guaranteed to be in the building and available for sessions. If you need a specific date or time, be sure to call ahead and make an appointment. Below are the services he is currently offering:

*Psychic, Tarot, and Pendulum- These readings are the newest iteration of Joel's classic tarot card readings. With these readings Joel will use the tarot deck, his psychic intuition, and his pendulum in harmonic unison to give clarity, confirmation, and closure to the questions you come in with. Mediumship is not a guarantee at these sessions, though spirit guides and loved ones often come through to help give guidance, they come at their own discretion.

*Tarot x Numerology- These readings start with calculating your core numbers in numerology, and going over what they mean about you. These numbers influence your destiny,  lifepath, personality, and passions. They can be looked at to understand what energies are currently around you, what was going on in the past, and what is coming in the future. With the remaining time in your session, after finishing going over your numerology, Joel dives into a unique tarot card reading of his own invention where he uses patterns between your chart and your cards to give you an incredibly deep, clear, and accurate tarot card reading like you have never had before. At the end of the reading Joel will give you a copy of your core numerology chart.

*Psychic Reiki with Chakra Stones- These readings start with a full reiki session and/or chakra balancing. As Joel does this reiki session he will take notes on everything he picks up intuitively, what he is shown, and the messages that come through from your spirit guides and loved ones. When the session is done he does a 10-20 minute consulation, going over and explaining the full contents of his notes before giving them to you to take home. These sessions are extremely customizable and are a great fit for many things; whether you are looking to heal while receiving messages from your spirit guides and loved ones, are trying to get back into balance and see whatever you have to do to get yourself, your life, and your body back into alignment, or if there are any specific traumas or wounds you would like to heal and see what messages Spirit has for you on your healing journey. Mediumship of specific departed loved ones are not guaranteed in this session. Every client will have a full set of chakra stones placed on their chakras throughout their session, for those that would like a chakra balancing, know that you need only ask!

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2280 S. Jones Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89146 | Open 7 Days a Week | Monday-Saturday 10:30am-8:00pm | Sunday 11:00am-6:00pm

Call Us: (702)-359-0848 or (702)-948-4999 Email us at:

Copyright 2024 © Enchanted Forest Reiki Center 

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