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In the VOID

It is human nature to want to know the "why". It is our spiritual nature to want answers to the questions about the universe, or about our individual self, our path etc.

It is also human nature even for the most spiritual people to push too hard for the answer. In reality we will not know everything no matter how hard we try. Forcing thoughts, over thinking is a natural tendency for most everyone.

Ironically though, it is when you allow yourself to let go of thought, let go of the need to know, go with the flow that answers to your deeper questions come in.

Take time out to just focus on the back of your eyelids, or the sound of running water, the temperature in a room etc. just bring yourself to something you have no attachment to and let go- go into the void, you will be surprised as to how relaxing it is, and how you might even have answers to some of those deeper questions come through.

Be okay with just being, breathing, and enjoy giving yourself time out to be one with your surroundings. Truly it is a peaceful place to be and totally worth it.

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