"Oracle of the Angels: Readings & Reiki" with Joel (1)
Sat, Nov 19
|Las Vegas

Time & Location
Nov 19, 2022, 12:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Las Vegas, 2280 S Jones Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89146, USA
About The Event
"Oracle of the Angels: Readings & Reiki" with Joel
Available 12-7pm Mondays & Fridays
$25-$255.55 Depending on Type and Length of Session or Reading
Click Here For Full Psychic Pricing and Options including Angel Readings, Reiki of the Angels, Tarot Card Readings, Psychic Reiki Sessions, Numerology, and Psychic Consultations.
Click Here For Regular Crystal Chakra Balances and Classic Reiki Sessions.
Click Here For Joel's Biography and Spiritual Background.
Call 702-948-4999 to Schedule with the Front Desk or Click One of the Top Two Links Above To Purchase Your Session and We Will Email You to Help You Book Your Appointment! (You May Also Pay Online and Then Call To Schedule Afterwards by giving your Online Payment Information)
These are the days and times that Joel is guaranteed to be in the building and available for sessions. Calling ahead to book a date and time for your appointment is recommended but not required. Below are short summaries of Joel's services, for more in depth descriptions please go to the top 2 links above and scroll down to find the full description of the service you're interested in.
Classic Divination Readings: Psychic, Tarot, and Pendulum
Tarot Card Readings taken to the next level. With these readings Joel will use the tarot cards, his psychic intution, and his pendulum in harmonic unison to give you clear and detailed answers and guidance to the questions you have in life. Mediumship with departed loved ones is not a guarantee at these sessions, though spirits and spirit guides often come through to give guidance, they come at their own discretion.
Advanced Divination Readings: Numerology x Tarot
These numerology centered readings start with calculating your core numbers in numerology based on your full name and birthday. Joel will go over what each number in your chart means about you, your destiny, lifepath, personality, passions, and more. These numbers can be looked at to understand what energies are around you ar this time, what you were working through in the past, and what is in store for you in the future. After finishing explaining your chart, the rest of the time in your session will be dedicated to doing a numerology centered tarot card reading. Joel will weave the numbers of your personal chart into the numbers you get into your cards to give you an incredibly deep, clear, and accurate tarot card reading like you've never had in your life. After the reading you can take your Core Numerology Chart with you.
Advanced Divination Readings: Oracle of the Angels Tarot
Joel is a uniquely gifted channel of the angels, archangels, and Source. In these readings Joel will tune in and channel angels, archangels, and Source to answer the questions you come in with. As the information comes through Joel may also use tarot cards and do a style of reading called Angelic Tarot dedicated to the Tree of Life and Source. Mediumship of your personal guardian angels, guidance towards the angels you need to work with in order to improve your life, and messages from Archangels or Source if they have any for you. The tarot card portion of the reading is far more in depth and detailed than any other style providing information like timelines, far future predictions, and specific details that classic tarot just simply doesn't provide. This reading is for those who are serious about getting real angelic help with the problems they're dealing with, or for those who would like to know what the future has in store for them on their current path.
Advanced Reiki Sessions: Psychic Reiki with Chakra Balancing
This combo session features a classic Usui Reiki with Holy Fire session and/or a crystal stone chakra balancing, in addition to a comprehensive psychic consultation about your session after it's been completed. Depending on the length of your session the consultation will range anywhere from 10-20 minutes as Joel goes over his notes. When the reading is over Joel will give you his handwritten notes about the session. This is for those who would like to know what energies were being cleared, what blessings were being placed upon them, and what messages their spirit guides may be trying to send them.
Advanced Reiki Sessions: Reiki of the Angels with Tree of Life Balancing
The reiki session for those who are serious about healing. In this powerful blend of Kabbalistic Healing and Reiki Joel will turn you into a living crystal grid with 33 crystals and stones as he invokes the Archangels, the Angelic Orders, and Source into the space to give you Reiki directly. Prepare to be touched by angels and have their wings wrapped around you. Experienced meditators may find themselved launched into faraway angelic realms as the angels guide them on a healing journey. Throughout the session Joel will burn his own handcrafted blend of incense and chant incantations that will invite the entities into the space and keep the energy of the space at the highest possible vibration. The Tree of Life is an ancient energy network much like the chakra system that is based on the Kabbalah, an ancient mystical practice.
The Ultimate Reiki Session: Psychic Reiki of the Angels with Tree of Life Balancing
A combination of both Advanced Reiki Sessions. An intense, angelic reiki session followed up by an angelic psychic consultation. The difference between this consultation and the regular psychic reiki session is in this session Joel will be delivering messages from angels, archangels, and Source as he will be in an altered, high-vibrational state that will allow him to communicate with them more easily. In combining his notes with their messages this reading will be sure to be like none other you've ever had.Like in a classic Psychic Reiki session you will get to take Joel's notes with you after the reading.